Alan 514056 — The Self and the Other

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A4—Update following tutor’s feedback

Rather than post my entire essay here in HTML format I have appended a PDF of the Word document that I wrote. For the benefit of the assessors, I have also reposted below my reflection on the work done for A4. I updated the essay in response to the helpful feedback I received from my…

A6—Tutor feedback

I met with my tutor this morning to go over the adjustments I made to my submission from A5. The major points we covered were as follows: My tutor was happy with the rework and could see where I had responded to his comments both on Michals’ use of scale (and the tie-in with Alice’s…

A6—Re-submission to tutor

I have responded to my tutor’s feedback to my A5 submission by re-shooting the sequence and making some material changes to it. These are as follows: I drew more inspiration from the way Duane Michals plays with scale in his images, as I described in a separate post that contains my contact sheets from the…

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