RotW Hangout—11 October 2020

  • Participants: LK, MU, EP and MR
  • It appeared that no one had any WiP to share, so I mentioned the challenges I’ve been having with SAO and the recent discussion with my tutor. Participants made a number of helpful suggestions, including the work of artists who have worked with dolls and dioramas (Laurie Simmons), and others who have used themselves as models in ways that depart from what would normally be considered self-portraiture (Cindy Sherman, among others).
  • MU mentioned the SheClicks community of female photographers and their Instagram account . I’ll need to take a look.
  • I mentioned that I had recently bought a book on the place of art photography in Canada (Cousineau-Levine, 2004) and wanted to pay attention to the development of the Canadian “conversation.” MR remarked that he has had positive feedback from his tutor about bringing local perspectives into our work and introducing it to other students. I think this is a unique contribution that OCA’s non-UK students have to offer the school’s various communities and programmes. LK is working her way through Memory in Culture (Erll, 2011) as she looks at the social dimensions of memory in connection with her L3 work.
  • EP showed us a number of intricate drawings she did both before beginning her Foundation course as well as since. The photographers in the group were particularly taken by her willingness to experiment and agreed that this is something we could probably do more often in our own work, rather than simply getting rid of ‘mistakes.’
  • We had a brief discussion about the benefits of formal study (keep pushing oneself; having a specific ‘end game’ in mind) in connection with MK thinking that she might like to pursue an MA, possibly in documentary photography.
  • LK agreed to set up the next call and we will push it back a bit to avoid conflict with a local holiday for some of the participants.


Cousineau-Levine, P. (2004) Faking death: Canadian art photography and the Canadian imagination. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Erll, A. (2011) Memory in culture. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Laurie Simmons (s.d.) At: (Accessed 12/10/2020).

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