SAO Hangout—23 May 2021

Participants: KJ, LS, MR

  • I asked for feedback during this hangout on a mocked-up version of what I might submit for SAO A2. I was glad to receive the following detailed and very helpful comments:
    • Be more explicit about ethical questions and consider that the captions may need more explanation
    • Consider present as a video with voice over to tell the story and raise the questions, provide my perspective. Options for video/audio include Windows Movie Maker, PowerPoint, Google Slides or freeware
    • The story./narrative comes through in order of images
    • Kayak perhaps not the strongest image to end on, although might make link with past use of waterways
    • Use shallower depth of field on bridge to bring more attention to it
    • Do I need to show both marker pegs in Image 4 or could I crop closer to make the distant buildings more prominent in the top of the frame?
    • Edit the image of the Joseph Brant statue to remove the traffic light
    • Rework the triptych images to lift shadows
    • Consider re-shooting the boat sculpture to better show the strip of buildings within its hull
    • Consider swapping the kayak and boat sculpture images to end on a stronger note
  • MR talked about the progress he was making on his mask series for the self-portraits for A3 and how he might re-shoot for posture, lighting and gaze.
  • KJ showed a series of six environmental self-portraits she had done recently in the Lake District and asked for feedback. There group came to fairly quick consensus that three of the images worked well, in that her body/posture mimicked physical features in the landscape. It will be interesting to see where she takes this work next.
  • The group agreed to continue to meet monthly and I am quite happy about this. It is great to have company on the SAO module and the discussions have been both encouraging and useful in a practical way.

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