A6—Re-submission to tutor

I have responded to my tutor’s feedback to my A5 submission by re-shooting the sequence and making some material changes to it. These are as follows:

  • I drew more inspiration from the way Duane Michals plays with scale in his images, as I described in a separate post that contains my contact sheets from the re-shoot. Specifically, I used three progressively larger books to give the sense that the book I was reading was growing in size. I think that this suggestion was a positive contribution to the project and that it helps to make connections both to Michals’ work as well as to Alice’s disorientating experiences of changes in size during her trip through Wonderland (Carroll, L., 1866).
  • The second set of changes had to do with my use of text in the piece. I replaced my own text with quotations drawn from Alice for a few reasons: they made a clearer link with Lewis Carroll’s story; they removed the issue of using ellipses to break up the three lines of text; and, most important, they allowed me to broaden the meaning of the narrative from ‘the world of work’ to an experience of identity and change that is applicable to a wider range of experiences, both mine and those of viewers. Finally, in answer to my tutor’s question about my choice of font, I found that the original editions of Carroll’s book were printed in the Scotch Roman typeface and used it for all text in the slideshow (Fedwa Snoussi, s.d.).

These changes have enabled me to strengthen the sequence and to play more strongly to its links to the works of both Michals and Carroll. And although Michals created his narrative sequences as prints for gallery presentation, my use of an online slideshow helps me to make the work more readily available to a wider audience, particularly during the present global pandemic.

Re-worked slideshow


In addition to the full bibliography submitted for A5, I add the following items:

Carroll, L. (1866) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. London: Macmillan and Co.

Fedwa Snoussi (s.d.) At: http://luc.devroye.org/fonts-106074.html (Accessed 23/01/2022).

Shriver, C. (s.d.) Research Guides: Alice in Wonderland Collection: Home. At: https://guides.library.ubc.ca/c.php?g=699937&p=4969750 (Accessed 23/01/2022).

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