A6—Tutor feedback

I met with my tutor this morning to go over the adjustments I made to my submission from A5. The major points we covered were as follows:

  • My tutor was happy with the rework and could see where I had responded to his comments both on Michals’ use of scale (and the tie-in with Alice’s experiences of growing and shrinking) and on my use of text in the series (content of the text and my choice of typeface/presentation).
  • He indicated that the modules and tutor feedback are designed to help create the conditions where students can draw on their own ideas, with appropriate critical reflection. The goal is not to tell the student “this is how I would have done it,” but to encourage them to reflect more deeply on the choices that they make.

We also had a brief discussion of my readiness to submit SAO for the next assessment (deadline Jan 31):

  • My tutor indicated that the groundwork for the module and for the assessment has been laid in the amount of research I have done throughout the exercises and assignments.
  • He encouraged me to discuss my work in terms of my research and how I have moved through the module from relatively straightforward topics/presentations to exploration of ideas and portrayal of narratives. It would be good to examine this work in the light of an evolving personal voice and experimentation with presentation—and tether the whole to the LOs for SAO.
  • I might also want to consider whether there is ‘a nugget’ from my work that the assessors should not miss. This could be drawn either from the submitted assignments or perhaps from one of the many exercises in the earlier, lengthy sections of SAO. Where do I think I’ve done particularly well?
  • I indicated that I planned to review all of my work in this light, with particular attention to the LOs, a slight reworking of the critical essay from A4 (correct some minor errors, add a missing example image, and update a couple of references), and the preparation of a video that will allow me to provide the assessors with a ‘live’ reflection on what I have learned and produced during my time with SAO.

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