Exercise 3.5—Theatre of the Self

As I looked through the few images that were available to me from the family photographs in my possession, it occurred to me that many of us look for several things in albums: to remember, to show (to ourselves or to others), to look for meaning and clues to our own identity and significance. ThisContinue reading “Exercise 3.5—Theatre of the Self”

Event— ‘the doing and the unfixing of family photographs’

Online talk: ‘the doing and the unfixing of family photographs’ an in conversation event with Annebella Pollen (Reader in the History of Art and Design, University of Brighton) and Rachel Maloney (V&A / University of Brighton Research Fellow 2019-2021). Hosted live from the gallery space of Maloney’s exhibition ‘The Matriarchive’ and chaired by Polly Wright from Brighton CCA. Maloney worked with anContinue reading “Event— ‘the doing and the unfixing of family photographs’”

Notes on ‘Finding Our Self in the Past’

I had only a vague idea of ‘phototherapy,’ so it was helpful to spend some time looking at the Martin (1999) video and getting a sense not only of the concept but also how it might play out in practice. The broad idea is that a therapist will ask a client to review snapshots thatContinue reading “Notes on ‘Finding Our Self in the Past’”

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