A4—Update following tutor’s feedback

Rather than post my entire essay here in HTML format I have appended a PDF of the Word document that I wrote. For the benefit of the assessors, I have also reposted below my reflection on the work done for A4. I updated the essay in response to the helpful feedback I received from myContinue reading “A4—Update following tutor’s feedback”

A4—Tutor feedback

I had an enjoyable meeting yesterday with my tutor to go over my essay for A4. Apart from a couple of minor hiccoughs in the essay—one of which was an illustration I referenced but forgot to add—he was happy with my premise and the way I laid out the paper. Following my notes, these areContinue reading “A4—Tutor feedback”

A4—Submission and Reflection

Rather than post my entire essay here in HTML format I have appended a PDF of the Word document that I wrote. This is followed below by my reflection on the work done for A4. NOTE: the PDF file submitted to my tutor contained copies of the images discussed in the text. The PDF attachedContinue reading “A4—Submission and Reflection”

The representation of the self—initial notes

I’m looking forward to moving into this section of the course. My work for Context and Narrative encouraged me to look at the self-portrait differently and I began to see the potential in working with a model who was always close at hand and generally willing (me). In that light, I think that there isContinue reading “The representation of the self—initial notes”

RotW Hangout—11 October 2020

Participants: LK, MU, EP and MR It appeared that no one had any WiP to share, so I mentioned the challenges I’ve been having with SAO and the recent discussion with my tutor. Participants made a number of helpful suggestions, including the work of artists who have worked with dolls and dioramas (Laurie Simmons), andContinue reading “RotW Hangout—11 October 2020”

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