Exercise 3.1—Your selfie

I don’t have a particular problem with the idea of making a selfie. There are lots of reasons why one might choose to do so: to register a mood, time or place (yes, I was here!). They can, of course, be used for self-promotion or to create an idealised version of the self. I decidedContinue reading “Exercise 3.1—Your selfie”

Exercise 1.1 background

Diane Arbus  Photographer (NYC, 1923–1971). Moved from fashion work with husband Allan Arbus to photographing a wide range of subjects that she befriended: LGBTQ, strippers, carnival performers, nudists, dwarves, children, mothers, couples, elderly people, and middle-class families. Guggenheim Foundation fellowship in 1963 for “American Rites, Manners and Customs”. Renewed 1966. Work included in 1967 MoMA exhibit New Documents along with Lee Friedlander,Continue reading “Exercise 1.1 background”

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