A4—Tutor feedback

I had an enjoyable meeting yesterday with my tutor to go over my essay for A4. Apart from a couple of minor hiccoughs in the essay—one of which was an illustration I referenced but forgot to add—he was happy with my premise and the way I laid out the paper. Following my notes, these areContinue reading “A4—Tutor feedback”

A2—Tutor feedback

I had a good tutorial session yesterday as a follow-up to my submission of A2. My tutor thought that the images I presented met the brief and commented that “the pictures do the job; they’re lovely.” He also mentioned that the “images look critical and you’ve probably done as much as you could do inContinue reading “A2—Tutor feedback”

SAO Hangout—23 May 2021

Participants: KJ, LS, MR I asked for feedback during this hangout on a mocked-up version of what I might submit for SAO A2. I was glad to receive the following detailed and very helpful comments: Be more explicit about ethical questions and consider that the captions may need more explanation Consider present as a videoContinue reading “SAO Hangout—23 May 2021”

A2—Layout for peer feedback

Territorial acknowledgement We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People. The Algonquin peoples have lived on this land since time immemorial. We are grateful to have the opportunity to be present in this territory. 6. A triptych of Indigenous representations in Ottawa. Left toContinue reading “A2—Layout for peer feedback”

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