Research point—Photograph used to make a political point

Anyone who was old enough to read a newspaper or magazine, or watch the TV news in Canada in 1990 will remember this image. It was taken by Shaney Komulainen, a Canadian Press photographer, during what came to be known as the Oka Crisis, ” a 78-day standoff (11 July–26 September 1990) between Mohawk protesters, Quebec police, the RCMP and the Canadian Army”Continue reading “Research point—Photograph used to make a political point”

Read—Public, Private, Secret

I bought this book thinking that it would be a good resource for the “self” portions of SAO. It is a combination catalogue / proceedings of an exhibition of the same name held at the International Center of Photography in New York during the summer of 2016. The public/private reference in the title is construedContinue reading “Read—Public, Private, Secret”

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