A2—Tutor feedback

I had a good tutorial session yesterday as a follow-up to my submission of A2. My tutor thought that the images I presented met the brief and commented that “the pictures do the job; they’re lovely.” He also mentioned that the “images look critical and you’ve probably done as much as you could do inContinue reading “A2—Tutor feedback”


This was a challenging assignment to complete for reasons that had nothing to do with the subject matter or the brief itself: COVID-related restrictions on travel and access to other people, and COVID-related workload in my job. Apart from that, I appreciated the opportunity to reflect on “the Other” and to see where such reflectionContinue reading “A2—Reflection”

A2—Submission to tutor

Territorial Acknowledgement We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People. The Algonquin peoples have lived on this land since time immemorial. We are grateful to have the opportunity to be present in this territory. Images appearing in the video:

A2—Background and research

While working through the approach and implications for this assignment, I organized my thinking around four broad themes: 1. Representation of “the Other” Representing “the Other” is always a challenge because of the potential for getting it wrong. Even though we might live in the same space, we are not truly living in the sameContinue reading “A2—Background and research”

A2—Layout for peer feedback

Territorial acknowledgement We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People. The Algonquin peoples have lived on this land since time immemorial. We are grateful to have the opportunity to be present in this territory. 6. A triptych of Indigenous representations in Ottawa. Left toContinue reading “A2—Layout for peer feedback”


The frequent changes in COVID-related public health restrictions have made it difficult to get access to some of the sites I was planning to shoot for A2. I live in Canada’s National Capital Region which, although it largely functions like a single metropolitan centre, comprises two different cities (Ottawa and Gatineau) that lie in twoContinue reading “A2—Development”

Research point—Photograph used to make a political point

Anyone who was old enough to read a newspaper or magazine, or watch the TV news in Canada in 1990 will remember this image. It was taken by Shaney Komulainen, a Canadian Press photographer, during what came to be known as the Oka Crisis, ” a 78-day standoff (11 July–26 September 1990) between Mohawk protesters, Quebec police, the RCMP and the Canadian Army”Continue reading “Research point—Photograph used to make a political point”

A1—Tutor’s feedback

I met with my tutor this morning to review the work I submitted for A1. His comments were roughly as follows: the images submitted make a coherent set and the pictures talk to each other, with the possible exception of the picture of Brent (positioning in the frame, etc.) a number of the images showContinue reading “A1—Tutor’s feedback”

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