Exercise 3.4—Family albums

In some respects, this exercise is a strange one because of the ways that digital technology has changed “the family album.” In the pre-digital era, the family album was often something precious because it represented a curated record of a family’s history. When having one’s picture taken was still relatively rare, any photograph of aContinue reading “Exercise 3.4—Family albums”

Notes on ‘Finding Our Self in the Past’

I had only a vague idea of ‘phototherapy,’ so it was helpful to spend some time looking at the Martin (1999) video and getting a sense not only of the concept but also how it might play out in practice. The broad idea is that a therapist will ask a client to review snapshots thatContinue reading “Notes on ‘Finding Our Self in the Past’”

RotW Hangout—25 April 2021

Participants: EP, LK, ATy, LJ, JS, FR, MU…RS LJ presented some landscape work: experience of walking by portraying the experience of the journey—photography and land art as research for the work; mapping/surveying and trig points; prepped the photo paper in advance and placed it in black bags to prevent it from being exposed, exposed paperContinue reading “RotW Hangout—25 April 2021”

Forum live—18 October 2020

Present: NM, AF, BR, CW, SK, SG, KA, AS NM continues to develop her project on ocean-borne plastics for her L3 BoW. Following an alternative methods workshop she has been experimenting with boiled seaweed as a developer for her pinhole images. She is trying to determine 1) what to photograph; 2) how best to doContinue reading “Forum live—18 October 2020”

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