A4—Update following tutor’s feedback

Rather than post my entire essay here in HTML format I have appended a PDF of the Word document that I wrote. For the benefit of the assessors, I have also reposted below my reflection on the work done for A4. I updated the essay in response to the helpful feedback I received from myContinue reading “A4—Update following tutor’s feedback”

A4—Submission and Reflection

Rather than post my entire essay here in HTML format I have appended a PDF of the Word document that I wrote. This is followed below by my reflection on the work done for A4. NOTE: the PDF file submitted to my tutor contained copies of the images discussed in the text. The PDF attachedContinue reading “A4—Submission and Reflection”

A3—Submission to tutor

The brief for this assignment asked that we present six images of ourselves that show different ‘selves.’ I have decided to take a particular approach to the ‘self,’ following an idea that came to me while brushing my teeth one morning. I was thinking about the assignment and, as I saw myself in the mirror,Continue reading “A3—Submission to tutor”

SAO Hangout—22 August 2021

Participants: HF, AO, MR, LS, ZW, KJ Comments on the WiP I presented: Ways we see ourselves vs the way we see ourselves Becoming other to yourself; I am foreign My WiP may also be applicable to the exercise on Barthes’ four-image repertoire Thought of Vivian Mayer self-portraits (reflections, shadows)? Have I thought of askingContinue reading “SAO Hangout—22 August 2021”

Notes on work by Peter Mansell

Peter Mansell has a clear thesis statement for his Paralysis Unseen series “​You will see that paralysis is as much a cultural experience as it is a physiological one. “ As I read it, Mansell’s paralysis has “othered” him not only to people who do not have a disability, but perhaps also to himself. The photographsContinue reading “Notes on work by Peter Mansell”

A2—Tutor feedback

I had a good tutorial session yesterday as a follow-up to my submission of A2. My tutor thought that the images I presented met the brief and commented that “the pictures do the job; they’re lovely.” He also mentioned that the “images look critical and you’ve probably done as much as you could do inContinue reading “A2—Tutor feedback”

RotW Hangout—21 March 2021

Participants: LK, LJ, FR, EP, JS, AT There was a lengthy discussion of a recent question raised on the OCA Forum about Magnum’s sponsorship of the Format 21 conference. I presented some WIP for SAO A2 which must have an ethical dimension. I explained that I was considering doing something on the representation of IndigenousContinue reading “RotW Hangout—21 March 2021”

Project 3—Class difference and Othering

I suppose that the issue of class is like many other complex social issues in that it is difficult to get at it without recognizing the influence and biases of one’s own social location (relative wealth, education, employment, family, race, ethnicity, etc.). And even if we can catalogue fairly honestly where we sit in eachContinue reading “Project 3—Class difference and Othering”

Reading task—Arbus, Sontag, Badger

I have never found Diane Arbus’ images to be particularly appealing. I understand her importance in the history of art photography and admire the consistency of her vision and approach. But I have never been able to get past the sense that her images are coldly manipulative and uncharitable. They remind me of the labelContinue reading “Reading task—Arbus, Sontag, Badger”

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