
This was an interesting assignment for me, as it led me to reflect on perception in a way that I had not considered before, namely the perception of oneself. Demonstration of technical and visual skills The technical challenges I faced for this assignment were perhaps less daunting than in some previous OCA work, but thereContinue reading “A3—Reflection”

A3—Submission to tutor

The brief for this assignment asked that we present six images of ourselves that show different ‘selves.’ I have decided to take a particular approach to the ‘self,’ following an idea that came to me while brushing my teeth one morning. I was thinking about the assignment and, as I saw myself in the mirror,Continue reading “A3—Submission to tutor”

Exercise 6—Candid portrait

This exercise came at a good time because my subject had been wanting an updated headshot that she could use online. My simple ‘studio’ was just that: simple. I had my subject sit on a stool with her back to a large window and lit her face obliquely with a single LED light source throughContinue reading “Exercise 6—Candid portrait”

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