A4—Update following tutor’s feedback

Rather than post my entire essay here in HTML format I have appended a PDF of the Word document that I wrote. For the benefit of the assessors, I have also reposted below my reflection on the work done for A4. I updated the essay in response to the helpful feedback I received from myContinue reading “A4—Update following tutor’s feedback”

A6—Tutor feedback

I met with my tutor this morning to go over the adjustments I made to my submission from A5. The major points we covered were as follows: My tutor was happy with the rework and could see where I had responded to his comments both on Michals’ use of scale (and the tie-in with Alice’sContinue reading “A6—Tutor feedback”

A6—Contact sheets from re-shoot

Following the feedback I received from my tutor on A5, I decided to re-shoot the sequence of images to incorporate his suggestion that I consider the issue of ‘scale’ as it appears in the work of Duane Michals. Scale of elements within the frame is something that Michals plays with in a number of hisContinue reading “A6—Contact sheets from re-shoot”

A5—Tutor feedback

The discussion with my tutor was very helpful and provided me with some very specific items for follow-up before we meet for the A6 tutorial next week: Provide some additional context to better explain presentation. For example, why present in a short video rather than in a series of prints as Michals would have done?Continue reading “A5—Tutor feedback”

A5—Submission to tutor

Themes I set out in A5 to produce something positive about my experience of retirement. Apart from trivial ideas that ending paid employment is nothing but an extended round of golf, much of what is said about retirement can be negative in focus: loss of meaning and identity, reduced income, declining health, and loneliness. Instead,Continue reading “A5—Submission to tutor”

A5—Contact sheets and editing

After making the images in Series 1 I realised that I wasn’t happy with them for a couple of reasons: 1) I thought the series would be stronger if I just disappeared at the end rather than leaving a hand above the book; and 2) wearing the same clothes through the series undermined the ideaContinue reading “A5—Contact sheets and editing”


As I considered how I might approach A5 I realised that I was not entirely sure how I felt about my stage of life in general, and retirement in particular. The adjustment has been both simplified and complicated by the fact that we are living through a global pandemic. The travel that we had plannedContinue reading “A5—Mind-mapping”


Duane Michals McKeesport, PA (1932— ) Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh, PA, 1946. BA from the University of Denver, CO, 1953. Joined Parsons School of Design, 1956, to become graphic designer, but did not finish. Became interested in photography on holiday in Russia. Innovated with photographic sequences and wrote text on images to express ideas ratherContinue reading “A5—Research”

A5—Initial thoughts

The outlines for A5 are roughly as follows: Develop a project around the theme of Self or Other, or a blurring of the two. Use an iterative process of experimentation, reflection, analysis, editing and research. Continue to do this until you are at a point where you would like to receive feedback from your tutor, submitContinue reading “A5—Initial thoughts”

A4—Tutor feedback

I had an enjoyable meeting yesterday with my tutor to go over my essay for A4. Apart from a couple of minor hiccoughs in the essay—one of which was an illustration I referenced but forgot to add—he was happy with my premise and the way I laid out the paper. Following my notes, these areContinue reading “A4—Tutor feedback”

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